Happy International Women’s Day! I LOVE this holiday because it’s an excuse for me to highlight some of my favorite photos. There’s something so special and fierce about sisterhood; chosen, biological or adopted. Today, let’s celebrate women by lifting others AND ourselves up! We all got crowns; there’s no need to knock over yours to praise someone else’s. This one’s for the girls!

Count all the ways you're beautiful;

Your soul and your spirit,

Your brilliant body

And all the wonder within it.

Your heart full of love,

Your mind full of care,

Your eyes full of awe,

Your lungs full of air.

Your chest full of pride,

Your muscles full of strength,

Your hands that can comfort,

Your compassion, immense.

Your words that can soothe,

Your brain full of questions,

Your conscience that roots you

In the good, right and true.

You are a miracle,

Unique through and through.

So count the ways you’re beautiful

And always be proud of you!

-Ms Moem

Your beauty is rooted in your authenticity and there’s no one like you! Let’s celebrate and empower women today to be real, unfiltered, true and free. Happy Women’s Day!